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marketing-man-person-communication.jpgAs a magician in the Philippines, I am predisposed to giving advice.

I give advice to other magicians, friends, and neighbors.  I even give advice to myself, which I rarely heed.

Judging from the way I disregard me, you can imagine how other people value my advice.

In the real workaday life, however, I bite my lips and chew my tongue every time I feel the urge to give advice.

tongueOver the years, I’ve realized my advice would go to waste if given to persons unqualified, reluctant and undeserving to receive it. Not only that, some magicians would resent unsolicited advice, because they regard it as a veiled form of criticism.

My consolation is in knowing that my opinions are sometimes spot on.  And since I don’t have the skill of a Philippine Ambassador to couch my words in a diplomatic language, I know my thoughts can hurt feelings if I verbalize them.  They would do more harm than good to the recipient’s state of mind.

Here’s my rule: I give an advice only to the wise who ask.

So if I’m performing in the same party with another performer who crashes and burns because I don’t squeak out words of wisdom on how to perform well, I’m so sorry for not being asked to give them.

Stay magical,

