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Miggy “the Little Chubster” Flores is just 12-years old.  But, boy, his magic packs a wallop.

I’ve known Miggy since he was still a baby, because his father, IBM TVP Ferdinand “the Chubster” Flores, is a friend since our Magic Circle Philippines days. That was eons ago.

I felt so ancient recently when I realized that the little boy who used to run around at our meetings or at some Inner Magic Club events is now a 12-year old kid. Not only that, he had blossomed into arguably the youngest coin manipulator in the Philippines.

I had no idea Miggy had been bitten by the magic bug.  That explains why when I saw his coin Matrix on YouTube, I was floored. He’d probably floor you, too, if you don’t observe closely.

Anyway, after I watched the video, I invited Chubster to bring Miggy to IMC’s weekly meeting to perform for the members. Last night, Miggy dropped by at Pepeton’s and performed his Matrix routines plus the Cups and Balls to an SRO crowd. 

Unbeknownst to both Chubster and Miggy I hyped up the performance yesterday morning by announcing to IMC members the visit that night of the “youngest coin manipulator in the country”.  That’s why the close-up-kinda guys of IMC, TSC and other guests (including pretty college girls coming all the way from San Pablo, Laguna) came in droves and packed the meeting room last night. 


The beauties and the beasts are all eyes on the coins cavorting

on the close-up pad under Miggy’s magic spell. 

 I told Chubster earlier that Miggy would be a hit, and he was. 


Miggy performed coin tricks under the watchful and critical eyes of the best coin manipulators in the country that counted Rannie Raymundo, Rael, Cris Nunez, Anthony Andres, and a few TSC members. The magic community’s big wigs Doc Moraleta and Bob Dureza were also present.  In fact Bob arrived early that evening, panting and eager to watch the performance right away.


 A souvenir shot with an upcoming magic star: From right, Oliver, Miggy, Rannie Raymundo, Chubster and me.

After the show, the coin buffs discussed the performance and marvelled at Miggy’s technical dexterity as well as his precocity.

Thanks, Miggy and Chubster, for giving us a magical evening.

Stay magical,

